Our goal is to help you receive the proper care after a personal injury, auto accident or fall. Our staff is devoted to helping you obtain the most comprehensive treatments and the care you deserve, so you may maintain your quality of life after an injury and can begin to feel like yourself again.
Too often, individuals involved in an auto injury or wreck have minimal or no symptoms until several weeks after the auto accident. That is where the professionals at Strong and Active Chiropractic come in, and can assist you with all aspects of auto accident personal injury recovery.
If you have symptoms of neck pain, low back pain, headaches, muscle soreness and dizziness, or if you have broken bones or possible whiplash injury, please call our office as soon as possible. It’s important to not only receive immediate treatment for any injuries, but also to document the extent of personal injuries. This is not only critical for personal health and well-being, but also for information that could pertain to a lawsuit as a result of another driver’s negligence.
It is exceptionally essential in cases of negligence and harm from another party, as failure to obtain a timely evaluation or the required treatment for injuries sustained in an auto injury may harm your ability to receive monetary compensation. This includes but is not limited to any reimbursement, insurance claims, future medical bills, pain and suffering, and compensation for work loss.
If you have been in an auto injury and require care, please call us at (858) 243-7685.
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